Yes, You Can Use the Easter Offering to Make Up a Budget Shortfall!

Yes, You Can Use the Easter Offering to Make Up a Budget Shortfall!

Yes, you can use the Easter offering to make up a budget shortfall!  That was my answer when an Executive Pastor called to tell me that they had already cancelled another weekend of worship due to snow.  This is the churches third seriously weather impacted weekend.  As a result they are now behind budget.  He had asked me if they could use Easter to make up the difference.

And, yes, it is time to start thinking about Easter! Few churches think about using their Easter offering successfully.  Down through the years I have found some…

Common Easter Offering Mistakes Churches Make.  Here is my short list…

1. De-emphasizing the importance of taking up the offering. This doesn’t just happen on Easter but nearly every week for the vast majority of churches in America. De-emphasizing the offering is a result of…

  • A.  Not seeing the offering as a crucial part of worship.  The offering IS worship and when we downplay the offering we cheapening worship.
  • B.  Worrying that it will turn off people.  Its how we talk about money that turns people off not that we talk about money.  If you do it right people will respond.
  • C.  Business as usual approach.  If you approach your Easter offering as you always have don’t be surprised if it is not as successful as you would like.

2.  Not planning out the offering.  I will have more to say on this later but lack of planning is the death of any good idea.  Start planning out NOW what you will do and say for your Easter offering.

3.  Not making a case for the offering.  This is true for each week’s offering but especially true on Easter.

Any church can have a successful Easter offering IF they have the…

Right Attitude – The biggest obstacle towards a successful Easter offering is typically the ministerial staffs push back.  We have become overly worried that any talk of money, including taking up an offering will drive people away.  Here is my definition of…

The Right Attitude – Our churches mission, to impact our community and world for Jesus, is given to us by God.  We are changing the world one life at a time.  Since all this is true why would a Christian NOT want to give money to support that mission? 

If you believe in the mission of your church it is easier to take up the offering.  It starts with your attitude but then you need the…

Right Focus – It can’t be about numbers or hitting your budget.  No one is motivated to help you make budget.  They are motivated to give to help change the world for the better.  So, put the focus upon life change.  To do that you need the…

Right Vision – Clear, Concise and Compelling!  Every vision communication must have those three C’s.  Vision is much more effective in raising money than using guilt as a motivating factor.  Guilt driven appeals telling people they “ought” to give is one of the key ways we can drive people off.  Appeals to give because we “ought to give,” will fall on deaf ears.  Cast a vision for your offering and people will respond, even on Easter.

Here are some key thoughts about how to cast the vision of your Easter offering…

  • The more specific your “ask” the more impactful the response.
  • Share one key area that giving funds that makes an impact.
  • Since you know you have guests make it outward focused on children and youth driven.
  • The more personalized the story the more impactful the response.

Finally, the best vision is worthless if you don’t have the…

Right Plan – You can’t decide at 10 PM on Sunday night to start thinking about the offering the next day.  Advance planning is the key to any thing you do and your Easter offering is no different.  Start NOW planning out the message and delivery of your Easter offering.  If you don’t have a plan you are actually planning on failure.

If you follow the above points, then, yes, you can use the Easter offering to increase giving and givers at your church. 

I have a plan made for you! I’ll be releasing soon my new 2023 Easter Offering book entitled, “Say Yes to Easter Giving: Making Plans for Your Best Easter Offering.” It will launch in two weeks! You can email me to get your advance copy at My plans WILL help you have the best Easter offering ever AND it can help you make up lost ground!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach