Why the Offering Must Survive
I have long contended that one of the greatest flaws of the Contemporary Church Movement was the de-valuing of the offering. In our desire to attract unbelievers many churches either stopped taking up the offering altogether or create boxes at various places. If they ever did mention the offering they went out of the way to tell guests they did not have to participate. The offering is for members. All of this was a mistake.
From 1968 to the present giving has been on a steady decline. COVID-19 didn’t cause our giving problems. It simply revealed our already cracking donor base. Your major donors are moving into retirement and the later years of their lives. Your younger generations are not as of yet stepping up to fill the gap. At the current rate of decline, in less than 30 years Americans will give 50% less than they do today. Thus,
Every church in America right now has a giving problem, including yours.
Along came COVID. I watched big time preachers who never had talked about money or giving before, suddenly spend time before their digital offering asking people to give. Then the PPP money came in and we felt a bit of relief. That’s run out. Giving has stabilized. Your cash flow might even be good. So, you have started to relax. Don’t. Because even if a cure for the virus comes tomorrow, your key donor base is getting older. What are you going to do? Can I give you some advice?
Start with the offering.
First, and foremost, make your offering time, a time of worship not an embarrassment or an after-thought.
See it as an opportunity to teach biblical stewardship. We have failed to train up the next generation of donors. Let’s correct that.
Never take up an offering that you have not planned out and prayed over before hand.
Spend two minutes or less before every offering to help people understand that a dollar given to your church helps change lives.
In the 21st century, the new normal offering is 24/7. Think outside the plate.
Give people multiple options through which to give.
Make it quick and easy for people to give.
And one more thing,
Stop Apologizing!
Instead of telling people they don’t have to give, give them a reason why they should give.
Why must the offering survive? Because every church in America has a giving problem. Including yours! And the easiest place to start is with the offering.
Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach
Find out how you can receive a weekly offering talk delivered to you weekly at https://acts17generosity.com/memberships/
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