
Mark Brooks

3 Goals For A Come From Behind Giving Strategy

I have 3 goals for a come from behind giving strategy and none of the three are about increasing dollars! Yet if you strive to hit these three goals you will increase the amount of money you raise. However, hitting my three goals will not only increase what you take in for any special offering but increase your giving long term.

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Mark Brooks

7 Reasons To Make Summer Giving Plans

As I post this, it is only days after Easter. So, why would I be talking to you about summer giving? I will give you seven reasons. If any applies to you, then keep reading. I recommend summer giving plans for the following reasons:

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Mark Brooks

How to Be Leading at the End of the First Quarter

“You never have to recover from a good start.” My mentor in the stewardship field, Dave Sutherland, taught me that years ago. Ask any football team if the statement is true or not. Consider this: 3/4 of NFL teams leading after the first quarter go on to victory. The first quarter is so important that I sharing this post, entitled How to Be Leading at the End of the First Quarter, to help you end your first quarter ahead.

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End of Year Giving
Mark Brooks

Does Your Church Have a 2 Minute Drill?

How many games are won and lost in the last two minutes?  You remember the ones that you favorite team won and try to forget the ones that your team lost!  Yet if you follow football you know that often winning or losing comes down to who executes the best in the fourth quarter and often who does the best in the last two minutes.  NFL teams called it the two minute drill and they practice and practice how to run a winning drive in under two minutes.  Are you ready for your two minute drill?

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