The Digital Capital Campaign
The Digital Capital Campaign WILL help you raise the funds you need to fulfill the vision God gave you. I helped Joel Osteen raise $100 million dollars! I can help you raise whatever capital dollars you need! Get The Help You Need for Your Next Capital Campaign for a Price You Can Afford AND Never Have to Leave Your Office or Home!

Digital Campaign members receive:
Why should you pay huge fees for consulting advice that could be delivered much easier? Why in this online world we live in would you ever fly to attend a seminar on capital campaigns? We now do almost everything online; why not get personalized professional coaching and consulting online?
Here is what you get…
Weekly instruction and interaction with one of the leading stewardship consultants in America!
Personal interaction with your own campaign consultant at any time during the campaign.
All the written materials you need for every team and task.
For a custom price* that fits you, we will admit an unlimited number of people to the site.
8 Sessions to Successfully Launch and Complete Your Capital Campaign
Session #1 It Starts With a Vision – How to craft your vision for maximum results!
Session #2 Setting Realistic Targets – How to start right to end right!
Session #3 Leading Leaders to Lead – How to identify and cultivate giving leaders.
Session #4 Campaign Boot Camp – Mastering the basics of a capital campaign.
Session #5 The Fourth C – How to communicate your vision effectively.
Session #6 The Power of the Pulpit (or Platform) – How to preach for success.
Session #7 It’s Not Fund Raising; It’s Faith Raising – Spiritually engage your congregation.
Session #8 Follow Up – Commitment cards are cool, but nothing beats CASH!
Save money and time AND raise the money you need!
* Requires a minimum one-year engagement.
Looking for more than a digital campaign? I use a set pricing schedule. $12K, $24K, and $36K are the set pricing for the other levels of help I provide. You decide how much of me you need which determines your fee.
To find out more, email me at