Our Digital level membership is The Stewardship Coach Digital Platform for the church leader who wants to begin implementing a yearly approach to generosity. The goal of this level is to help your church establish a strategies giving you financial stability for the present and future! You get all of the Coach’s print material plus access to his weekly group teaching time called, “Monday Mornings With Mark The Stewardship Coach.”
“We used the Stewardship Coach’s manual for our Easter offering. The weekly tasks helped us organize what needed to be done to have a successful campaign. Using the Stewardship Coach’s plan our offering was $17K above our normal Easter offering.”

Digital members receive:
- The Stewardship Coach Newsletter sent to them weekly with key thoughts, offering talks, interviews, samples and more, PLUS,
- All my seasonal playbooks like “The Successful Easter Giving Plan,” “The Fully Funded Summer,” The Maximized Annual Campaign,” “How to Increase End of Year Giving” and more that each sell for $9.95!
- A seat at my group teaching time called, “Monday Morning With Mark The Stewardship Coach.” I teach on some stewardship issue and then answer questions. You get personalized weekly help! You’ll have access to all my past classes as well.
- Access to my Offering Talk vault containing almost 500 offering talks!
- A scheduled conference call with The Stewardship Coach giving you a personalized generosity assessment.
- Unlimited email access for answering all your generosity questions and reviewing any direct giving appeals you write.
Cost is $365 a year