I Make Easy the Thing You Hate
This phrase is on the back of my business card, I Make Easy the Thing You Hate! What thing is it that you hate? Anything related to money and giving. If you were to list all the things as a pastor you hate to do talking about money would be right up there at the top. I find very few pastors that like to talk about giving or anything related to money.
Why is it that pastors hate anything money related? I find three major reasons why. Here is my list,
- Lack of training. I cannot remember in college or in seminary ever being taught anything about giving. What I learned about stewardship I learned on my own or by researching and reading everything I could find on giving. That took years and a lot of time. Which leads to the next reason pastors hate anything money-related.
- Lack of time. Who has time for anything else? The Tyranny of the Urgent presses in and before you know it your well-intentioned idea to put together a generosity plan gets pushed to the back. This happens day after day until finally they just forget altogether and nothing gets done.
The above two reasons are what most pastors will tell you as the reason they hate all things money related. Let me share what I believe is the number one reason you fear any talk about money.
The Fear of Rejection!
You and I both know what the average person on the street thinks about the church? That all we talk about is money. Factually this is not true but when have facts mattered? Pastors know that is the perception and none of them what to be known as “that preacher.” The one who always is talking about money. What happens then is we never talk about money. Then we wonder why the offering plate is empty. Our fear of rejection endangers the continued existence of the thing we love, the church.
So, back to my business card. How can I make easy the thing you hate? Let me take each of the three reasons above and show you how I solve this problem for you.
- I’m a Coach and my specialty is training pastors and church leaders in all things generosity related. Those on my team get the latest news, studies, factual data and pertinent information on the proverbial State of the Plate. Every week my team members get a weekly newsletter called, “The Stewardship Coach,” that contains all the information they need. On top of that, I produce giving manuals for every season in the life of a church. Additionally, I teach a weekly online class where church leaders are taught the basics and get personal interaction with me, their Stewardship Coach.
- I do that grunt work for them. Joining my team saves you the time of figuring out what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. All my manuals are essentially plug and play designed. Put your name on the document and send it out. I make it that easy. I save you time to do the other things pressing in upon you.
OK, I get that Coach. Yet I still worry about how this will play out here where I live. I understand that. How do you get me over my fear of rejection? By teaching you,
How to talk about money without talking about money so you’ll receive more money to do more ministry!
See, here is our problem that has caused so many to be turned off by any talk of money. When we do ask for money we typically do so in a way that turns people off. They tune us out and none of us likes to be tuned out. So, tragically, to avoid this rejection we fail to teach on the thing that Jesus taught more on, money and possessions.
The results? Giving has been on a steady rate of decline that will put thousands of churches out of business!
It’s time to change the conversation. I can show you how. I can make easy the thing you hate!
My team is on the path to financial security. Are you? Join us, https://acts17generosity.com/memberships/
Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach
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