Giving Analysis

Increase Giving!

How is giving going?  Are you behind or ahead?  Is giving trending up from a year ago or down?  Are you losing donors or gaining?  What trends are showing up that you need to be paying attention to?  Amazingly most church leaders have no clue when asked that question.  The answer to the giving question determines your ability to move forward with your vision.

Now more than you need to know how giving is going!  Why is this important?

How can you know where you are going if you don’t know where you are?  For over twenty years, I have used spreadsheets to evaluate the giving progress of my clients.  That data drove our generosity strategy.  It is how we knew what was working and what wasn’t. 

That same tool, developed during my days working for John Maxwell, has been refined, simplified, improved, and most of all made easily accessible to any church for FREE!  No more spreadsheets!  Now you can have instant access to your giving data anywhere you are.

What are the benefits?

  • Quick and easy giving reports at the click of a button gives you a real-time analysis of your current state of giving.
  • Close the back door by increasing donor retention.
  • Access 40+ giving reports.
  • Improve budget planning.
  • Increased giving and increased attendance!


Get a FREE report of your giving from the leading giving analytics team MortarStone at this link: