Think 12/24/30

Think 12/24/30

12/24/30.  That is my focus for you.  Plan out the next 12 months.  Long-range plan out the next 24 months as things change.  Get to 2030 financially stable.  My goal is for my client churches to land in the year 2030 with little to no debt and financially sound for the next decade.  Because by 2030, most of your Baby Boomers will have moved into retirement, thus limiting their giving power.  Translation.  If the present rate of decline in giving holds among younger generations, by 2030, you will see less coming in the proverbial offering plate.  My counsel is to build, repurpose or renovate what you need for the future and pay it off as quickly as possible.

The next few issues of the Coach will be on financing your vision.  In this issue, I want to lay out what I have also entitled this Coach, “The Stewardship of Debt.” In the times that we live in, it is almost impossible for churches to build without incurring some type of debt along the way. 

That is my opening of my June 7th edition of The Stewardship Coach Newsletter. Get your copy here

Do you have a debt you need to eliminate or capital dollars you need to raise? I have the most creative approaches to raising the over and above dollars you need. Whether a one year campaign, a two year one fund approach, or a traditional two funded approach I can help you raise the dollars you need. Here is the good news,

You get exactly the help you need for a price you can afford!

Stewardship firms have long over priced their services and under delivered on their promises. I’m here to end that by giving you the help you need for a price you can afford. I have a plan for you that will fit any size church.

If I can help Joel Osteen raise $100 million dollars I can help you raise whatever need you have! I’ve worked with top 100 churches and churches running 100!

My small group level that starts as low as $99 a month! You’ll get all the help you need to raise the money to advance your vision.

$12K, $24K and $36K is the set pricing for the other levels of help I provide. You decide how much of me you need which determines your fee.

I’ve helped raise more money than I can count and I can help you raise the funds you need to assure you land at 2030 financially sound! Let’s get started today! Contact me personally at

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach

I’ve just discounted my summer giving playbook by 50%! Get a copy to plan out your summer giving here

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