Six Weeks to Assure Giving Success
You never have to recover from a good start. My mentor, Dave Sutherland, always said that. It’s good advice. The first six weeks of the
How the Last Weeks of the Year Determine Your Success
3 Goals For A Come From Behind Giving Strategy
I have 3 goals for a come from behind giving strategy and none of the three are about increasing dollars! Yet if you strive to hit these three goals you will increase the amount of money you raise. However, hitting my three goals will not only increase what you take in for any special offering but increase your giving long term.
7 Reasons To Make Summer Giving Plans
As I post this, it is only days after Easter. So, why would I be talking to you about summer giving? I will give you seven reasons. If any applies to you, then keep reading. I recommend summer giving plans for the following reasons:
Can You Raise Money on Easter?
Can you really raise money on Easter? I believe the answer is yes! You are going to take up an offering, so why not do it
A Yearly Overview of Stewardship Planning
Do you have a yearly giving plan? I do!
Learn how to develop a Yearly Overview of Stewardship Planning